Saturday, September 15, 2012

My salad Choice

Thursday, 19 July 2012 23:13 Quinn Noldner
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Here is a bomb ass salad I made.  Here is what I decided to do:
First I decided to use my home made smoked Buffalo Injected Turkey Breast.  I know how much sodium is in it because I decided not to put much in it.  The sauce is mostly Hot sauce and 0 trans fat vegetable oil margarine.
Then I decided a tomato because they are good and good for you.
Lettuce, and then I decided to put Low Fat Cottage Cheese and ground black pepper.
I made all these decisions not because Michelle Obama told me too but because I'm smart, I knew what I wanted to make and decided to make it even though it was a healthy meal.
And ... well,   It's Bomb Ass !!
Bomb Ass Salad

WORDS MATTER: An Un-narrated Obama Documentary/Review (The Original) – YouTube |

This video has nothing to do with the link below...

WORDS MATTER: An Un-narrated Obama Documentary/Review (The Original) – YouTube |