Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ribs and Pulled Pork

Yummy, I LOVE spare ribs. This will be my first attempt! I will also be smoking my first full size "bone in" pork butt.

Today I'll be using "Jeffs" rub again, not only because I love the stuff, but it's what I had ingredients on hand for.
I rubbed the ribs and butt last night and let sit in the refrigerator overnight.
I got up at 6:00 am to get the fire going. Temp outside is about 20 deg. and a light wind so keeping the temp. level shouldn't be too difficult.
Here are some pictures to get things started:
This butt weighs about 11 lbs. and I'm going to use a foil pan this time to catch more drippings.  The juices when separated from the fat make an excellent finishing sauce to have nice and juicy pulled pork.  I owe my neighbor some for payment for the drum he gave me to make the smoker, good folks across the road!

I have 2 racks this size about 3 lbs. each. I get my meat when I can at Jennings premium meat in New Franklin MO, they are a great family owned butcher shop and have great meat, cut to your specs. at really good prices. You can't find meat like this very often in your grocery store unless they have their own butchers working there.
And on to the smoker:

The smaller pieces are the smallest rib on the end of each slab and the side along the bottom of the ribs (there is a term for this part, I'll find it and post it later) these pieces are great to sample and snack on as the smoking goes on.

I will keep updates going as the day progresses, stay tuned and please leave comments, suggestions or any other criticisms.

5.5hrs. the ribs are done,
That bone literally fell out when I gently lifted on it. They are perfect!
Of course, I had to sample them.
I ate the whole slab! Good thing there is another one!  I'll give the wife a chance at some and if she don't want them, I'll take care of it, no problem :)

7 hrs. The pork butt is done smoking, I dialed down the heat to let it cool slowly and I will pull it off, wrap the meat in foil then separate the juice from the fat.  I'll throw another couple pictures up then.

10 hrs. Mmmm that pork butt turned out great, it came right apart with little effort.
The wife didn't want the ribs, but she went back for seconds on the pulled pork, that's a good compliment to me because she doesn't even care for pork :)
No more pictures, I tore it up before I remembered to grab my phone...........sweet.
Till next time,
Thanks for looking, 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Breakfast Fatties!!

Gonna have good breakfast soon!
Got up at 6:00 to fire up the smoker to do up some fatties that I wrapped up last night.
Smokers humming along a little hot with hickory wood for smoke, these things are almost done in 1 1/2 hrs.

I made 3 today, one bacon, egg, and cheese with onions, one apple pie and pancakes and the other I experimented with bratwurst for the wrapper with just sour kraut  and cheese.
Kinda hard to see through the smoke.
Gotta pull them off, finished pictures coming soon!

These look great!!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Brisket and a Turkey

Hello all, I was up at 6:00 to get the fire started for a long day of smoking. 15 deg* outside, wind shouldn't be too bad, a great day for a smoke.
I happened across a 12 lb. brisket and a 13 lb. turkey at wall-mart $1.65/lb for brisket and $.68/lb for the turkey. I don't need this food now, but I couldn't pass it up so I'm going to get it all smoked and have a kick ass meal today and a bunch of leftovers to freeze up and have for later.
Here is the link to my Smoking meat forum link:
Getting the fire started:

I love the chimney starter, just fill it with coals put a wad of news paper under it and 15 min. later, pour it into the coal basket to get it all started, no fluid.
I separated the brisket into the flat and the point (here is a link on how to do this:
It isn't necessary to do this, but it gets allot of the fat out (I like to slice it for samiches :)  ) and cuts down on the time needed.
Here is pictures of the brisket all rubbed and rested in the fridge overnight:
 The rub I'm using is "Jeff's" if you don't know who Jeff is, you need to go to the links I've posted.  He has a fantastic site and You couldn't learn more about Smoking, BBQ, Meats, etc. in any one place. And yes I did pay for the recipes for Sauce and rub. Even if you don't think it's good stuff, it's worth it to help support his effors.
That being said, It's good stuff Maynard!

Then, on the smoker:
The turkey is on the bottom rack.

I will add to this as the day goes on.

4 Hours:
Big piece hit it's stall or plateau at 153* when it starts rising and gets to 165 then into foil. The turkey is at 156 and rising nice and slow. 
The smoker is humming along at 220-230* PERFECT!

5 1/2 Hours:
The turkey is done, wrapped in foil I will know soon how delectable it turned out........Sweet!
I also pulled the smaller brisket off since it had hit 210*, it smelled SOOOOO good, I couldn't help but taste some of the outer ends before I wrapped it back up to rest with the turkey.
The larger piece hit 210* so I just shut down the heat on the smoker to let it slowly cool down to about 180 and it should about fall apart when I try to slice it up.......super sweet!!

8 Hours:
It's all done outside the UDS timed it just right. It didn't go down until I told it to!
Taters are boiled, ready for mashing soon I'll unwrap this food and get some pictures of it

Here they are, it was a great meal overall.
Turkey was perfect:

Brisket was good but a little dry, next time I will leave allot more fat on it. Live and learn:

Nice smoke ring on the slices, going to make some kick ass lunch meat !!

Next project will probably be a meatloaf.
Until next project,

Later Q

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fatties, here's the ones I've done so far

Fatties, the first time I heard of what these things were I thought "Oh my goodness", I gotta make some of these. Sausage stuffed with anything you can think of wrapped in a blanket of bacon. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Here are some and how to for anyone who dares try it :)
My first 2 were a cheese burger and a pizza:
Heres some how-to pictures, the rest will be the fatties when finished.

This one is the bacon cheeseburger. I used hamburger for the meat on this one, most fatties are sausage (Jimmy Dean, I'm not sponsored by JD but trust me, the other brands even ones not so cheap are too mushy to work with).
I layered cheese slices, bacon and pickles on the burger after I rolled it out in a gallon ziploc bag to make a flat square (tip: place it on wax paper or it sticks to everything). I recommend leaving a little more room to roll than I did with this one, or a helping hand would be nice.
This one is the pizza, simple, sausage for the roll, pepperoni, pizza sauce, and mozzarella cheese (next time I'm using more cheese) and Italian seasoning.

Rolled up in a bacon blanket. The one on the right was for the pizza, I tried to cross the weave diagonally to identify it from the other, I also sprinkled Italian seasoning on the bacon for the pizza.(tip: If you like crispier bacon, don't be afraid to use cheap thin bacon, I've tried with the good thick bacon, I liked it but it was chewy, some folks don't like that)

On the smoker at 225* or so for 2-3 hrs. depending on how thick they are, I pull mine off at internal temp. of 165-170*

These are a couple I tried with Moose and Deer for the roll, I stuffed them with cheese, onion, bell pepper and mushrooms.
They look good but they were really dry, even with the bacon wrap, I though it would be moist.  I didn't care for the moose, (I have had moose steak, was great) for some reason it was pretty gamy. The guy who gave me the meat LOVED it, of course, he spent $6000 on a trip to Alaska to get the meat, so I would expect him to be a little bias :)
I have more deer burger so next time I'm going to mix in some cheap fatty sausage, that ought to be allot better.

Next I got brave and tried leftover chili in a couple, the best tasting disaster I have ever cooked.  The one that split open was juicier chili than the first, it was hard to roll but it split right away and held that shape, it was actually really good.
My post on spawned an idea that I want to try.  If I can come up with a way to get these things rolled with soft wet fillings, I thought I would try some beef stew ingredients, stroganof, home made mack'n cheese !!
Kinda like a bread bowl!! Freekin great to eat!

If you don't have a smoker, you could probably bake them at 250* for a couple hours and they would be pretty dang good too.
Here is a link to more instructions on how to weave and roll a fattie:

Till later all,

Left overs

I don't waste food.  I think of all kinds of ways to use up extra food. One way is lunches, the other is make a kick ass dinner out of that extra chicken I threw on the smoker because it was cheap.
If you want to make chicken helper taste like a real meal, use smoked chicken Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Yummy chicken casserole from leftovers. 

My Machine Home made UDS

Here's what made me fall in love with smoking food:
 Education and fellowship with other smoking freaks

And of course my smoker, it took me about 10 hrs and $50 to build and I have made some fantastic food on it.

I'll get some pictures of food up soon, 
Later all Q